Prof.dr. Henk Voogd


Brief Curriculum Vitae

Henk Voogd was born in Enschede in 1950. He studied social geography and planning at the University of Utrecht and received in 1982 his PhD at the Technical University of Eindhoven on a study of multicriteria evaluation methods in planning (promotors: professor Henk Goudappel and professor Peter Nijkamp). He was associated with the Research Center for Physical Planning TNO (1974-1978) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Delft (1978-1985). Since 1985 he is professor of planning and urban geography at the University of Groningen.

He was married since 1974, the same woman all the time, and has two sons. He has done many activities of paramount importance, for himself, which will not be revealed here because: vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas!

On march 8, 2007 Henk passed away. He was a great husband and father and we miss him very much.




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