Book reviews (a selection)
Review of “New Forms of Urbanization, Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy” by Tony Champion en Craeme Hugo (eds)(2003) and , “Social Challenges and Organising Capacity in Cities” by Leo van den Berg, Jan van der Meer & Peter Pol (2003), In: European Spatial Research and Policy, vol. 1 (2005).
Review of “De verbeelding van de stad – De constructie van de stedelijke identiteit van Arnhem, Groningen, Maastricht en Tilburg” by S. Dormans, H. van Houtum, A. Lagendijk (2005), DGW/Nethur partnership rapport 22, Onderzoekschool Nethur, Utrecht, ISBN: 90-5405-059-4, In: Tijdschrift voor Volkshuisvesting (2005).
Review of “Planning Support Systems in Practice” by Stan Geertman, John Stillwell (red)(2003), Springer, Berlin etc. In: European Spatial Research and Policy, vol.2 (2003)
Review of “The Changing Institutional Landscape of Planning”, by Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden, Artur da Rosa Pires (red), Ashgate, Aldershot 2001, 275 pp. en “Contemporary Issues in Regional Planning” by Tim Marshall, John Glasson, Peter Headicar (red), Ashgate, Aldershot. 2002, 264 pp. In: European Spatial Research and Policy, vol.1 (2003)
Review of “Urban Tourism, performance and strategies in eight European cities” by Leo van den Berg, Jan van de Borg & Jan van der Meer (1996), Aldershot, Avebury, In: European planning studies; vol. 5 (1997), Vol. 1, pag. 128 (2)
Review of “Urban tourism - attracting visitors to large cities” by Christopher M. Law (1994), In: Transactions, vol. 20 (1995), nr. 1, pag. 122
Review of “Sustainable Cities” by Graham Haughton and Colin Hunter (1994), In: Town planning review, vol. 66 (1995), nr. 4, pag. 459.
Review of “Aide à la décision: l'évaluation des projets d'aménagement” by Henry G. Zoller and Hubert Beguin (1993); In: Town planning review; vol. 65 (1994), nr. 1, pag. 111.
Review of “International perspectives in Urban Studies 1” by R. Paddison, B. Lever and J. Money (eds)(1993), Jessica Kingsley, London/Philadelphia, In: European planning studies; vol. 2 (1994), afl. 1, pag. 118 (2)